Do you love holiday gift giving?

I love holiday shopping.
I love picking out gifts for friends and family that I think they'll love.
It bothers me when others don't put as much care or thought into the gifts they give to me or others. I know I shouldn't judge, or should just be appreciative. I just feel like the whole point of gift giving is to think up something the person will love.
I'm continuing to work on giving thoughtful, caring gifts as I finish my shopping.

I love buying running people running gifts. I've thought up some great ideas for S, my mom & brother. And even my sister some sparkly soul bands to wear around town.

Speaking of great gifts, run over to check out Run with Jess'  Holiday Shopping Guide HERE for some great discounts for people on your list!

The past few days have been going well with workouts and healthy eating included. I did have some ice cream tonight, but got more than 7 fruits/veggies all day for the HBBC. A trainer ride yesterday and a run today are keeping my head in the game. My back has other plans and is killing me, I spent a ton of time on the foam roller tonight.

TRX tomorrow!

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