What will 2016 Bring?

2016 Already, Can you believe it?

To me, that means my twinsies are almost halfway through a year!! It is crazzzzy how quickly the time passes by. I seem like there are never enough hours in a day to get done what I want, but I'm enjoying all the joys (and stresses!) that new motherhood brings.

Looking back, the blog has had less than 25 posts by me over the last 3 years. YIKES! In 2011 & 2012 I posted almost every other day at least. I really want to be sharing my experience adjusting to life with twins and offer suggestions and advice to new moms as I found the twin blogs with advice lacking when I was pregnant (I can imagine why, twins take up a LOT of time). One of my goals for the new year is to blog more frequently.

If you know me from my Running to Health days, you know that instead of resolutions, I like to make goals for the year. Here are a few of mine for 2016....

1. Blog 2 times a week: I can't expect to help anyone if I'm not posting! Along with this, updating more frequently to my Twins on The Run Instagram, Twitter & Facebook.

2. Exercise 2 times a week: Winter is making me nervous for being able to get out walking with the kids. I am going to try to get to the gym maybe days the nanny comes if I don't have a consulting job, or when Kevin is home on weekends.

3. Cut out the junk food: I've always struggled with healthy eating, but was a much healthier eater prior to pregnancy & childbirth! Lately I've been snacking on candy and sweets.  My goal is decrease my sugar intake, start juicing again, plan out my lunches and snacks to have quick healthy things on hand for easy choices.

4. Cut back on spending/Save more money: I think I make this goal every year, but now it is especially more important since I'm no longer working full time and money is more important to save than ever before. I am aiming to stop purchasing everything I see and want, pay off our debts and increase our savings. Our savings has taken a huge hit with some unexpected house repairs, and really needs to be vamped up.

5. Enjoy quality time as a family: When Kevin and I are both home, I want us to be more present with the kiddos. As they grow up, do more fun family activities. Right now, they are so little its hard. We spend a lot of time at home to stay close to their cribs for nap times, they can't interact or enjoy things like a children's museum, zoo, or park. As they get bigger, we are really excited to get out & do more with them.

So those are my main goals for 2016!

What are your goals?

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