
Freeze Your Thorns Off Virtual 5K

It snowed. Not a lot, but the roads looked a little sloshy. I felt guilty completing a 5K called "freeze your thorns off" on a treadmill. Thanks to Adam at The Boring Runner for setting this up. So, after I got out of work, I bundled up and left Kevin to play video games while I got an easy 5K in (long run scheduled for tomorrow).

I started at my house and ran my usual route near home, went through a couple little neighborhood streets. It wasn't too cold (only 30 deg F), the snow had stopped, and the roads were decently plowed. I had to go a little slow to avoid slipping, and the cold was taking my breath away a little. As I was running I thought about how I ran the Disney Half last year on this saturday. It's kind of nice that with my 3.1 today, and with my 10 scheduled for tomorrow, I'll hit 13.1 this weekend. sweet!

all dressed up & ready to run

the park I run by!

Overall 3.1 in 33:47 at a 10:54 pace. Not too shabby considering the weather, and me taking it easy before my long run tomorrow. Hope everyone else's race went well too!


Kayla said...

It snowed here too, but not a lot. But it was colder here :( Good job on the run! :)

The Green Girl said...

The more race reports I read, the more wimpy I feel.

No snow, it wasn't even below freezing in Las Vegas. Oh wells.

Congratulations on getting out in the snow for your run!

Staci said...

Well done on your run in the snow. I did the race too in much "nicer" weather - it was 15 C, cloudy and cool - great for running.

Molly said...

great job getting outside!

Unknown said...

that's the same time as my 5K, but i calculated it as a 10:47 pace, which apparently is wrong. d'oh! your math must be better than mine!!

Aimee said...

Woohoo! Nice job getting out there to do the 5k! :)

Jess said...

Great job getting out there in the snow!!! I have a random question for you and maybe you can help me. I'm still new to blogging and would love to know how to post pictures like yours...with the border and ability to put a caption underneath the photo! Thanks!

Jess said...

Thanks for the info about the captions on pictures. And yes, I was meaning on the pictures you have within a post. But good to know about the pics on the top of your blog because that is really neat too.
Within a post, when I click on the picture icon to upload a picture, I don't see anywhere that shows where to add a caption. I'll have to keep playing with it. Thanks! Love your blog!

The Boring Runner said...

Sorry I'm just now commenting on this....

Nice work!!! that is a great time - especially if there was lots of slushy snow on the ground.