
Made it through my 5 miles this morning, and I suck at tempo runs. The treadmill is so boring to me at a constant speed, that I walked a few times out of boredom, then walked a few times in the last couple miles because I was tired. How can I keep myself entertained on a tempo run?

I joined The Holiday Bootie Buster Challenge (HERE) @ Run to the finish. It looks like a lot of fun, and there are some pretty sweet prizes!

Last night when I got home from work, my new running pants and sport beans had arrived from road runner sports (yes, I caved and hit the "purchase" button). Tonight, my new GT-2160s arrived! I don't need a new set yet, but they'll be good to warm up before race time and wear for the february halfs on my agenda. I'm wanting to figure out my triathlons for next season, but can't find a list on the usual websites yet. Question for all you triathletes...

Do you buy a USAT membership or pay the daily fee on race day?

Look out for some other fabulous giveaways on the horizon!


Unknown said...

I started with triathlons and then recently have stuck with single sport (running) stuff. But when I started the first few years I did buy the membership. It depends on your race plans. If you do enough, it's cheaper to do the membership. If not, then single time fees makes more sense.

Stephanie Anne said...

I guess I'll follow that up with how much is an annual membership?

Jaime said...

it depends on the specific races you are picking since not all require a membership (the smaller ones don't always).
This was my first year but I just paid the day of fee. How many do you hope to do next season?

Unknown said...

I think If you are doing more than 3 USAT sanctioned races its well worth it. Also, it ranks you against people in your age group which is awesome to see where you fall!!

Aimee said...

I signed up for that challenge too! Yay!
I'll second what Kristin said about the membership. Most daily fees are $10, so if you do more than 3, definitely buy the USAT membership b/c it ends up being cheaper.

Jason said...

I buy the USAT Membership so that it 'forces' me to race 4x in the year and I know that I will be committed to training. For me it makes it easier to see the goals of the races and go for it and then spending the money makes it easier to say sign up for this race.

I use for races but last I checked not a lot were setup....the smaller local ones anyway. The larger ones are already created though.

Annual membership is $40 so that is where the racing 3x or more comes into play.

As for the treadmill.....I avoid it at all costs. I will run in any element because as I tell my wife and my never know what you are going to get on race day so might as well train in all types of weather.

Congrats on getting the run int.

Jen said...

I signed up for the challenge too! So excited to get started!

I live in Canada so can't comment on the USAT....